GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speaker and 400 attendees. The conference cover topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.

Presentation: "Designing the Right Product"

Track: Visibility, Usability, Graphics / Time: Friday 10:20 - 11:10 / Location: Strassburg

We've all been there. You release a new feature, product or service, only to find it isn't quite what your customers want or need. But by the time you release, it's too late to make significant changes.

Traditionally User Experience design has involved a significant amount of upfront user research and design to ensure we build products that meet customer needs. This approach doesn't always work well within an Agile development environment and User Experience designers have.

In this session Michele will demonstrate how taking a Lean UX approach can help you to design the right products for your customers. Michele will share some case studies and practical UX tools and techniques to use with your team. You'll learn how to:

  • Get the team out of the building to find out first-hand what your customers want and need.
  • Use rapid prototyping techniques to validate assumptions with customers, without having to code a fully functioning application.
  • Work collaboratively with your team to get to the right design quickly.

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Michele Ide-Smith, Senior User Experience Architect at University of Cambridge

Michele Ide-Smith

Biography: Michele Ide-Smith

Michele Ide-Smith is a user experience designer with 16 years of web and mobile development experience. Michele loves building UX communities including organising UX events for the Cambridge Usability Group and reviewing the programme for UX Cambridge and UX Scotland.

Also an Agile and Lean UX advocate, Michele speaks at conferences worldwide, as well as running workshops on topics including Sketchnoting and collaboration techniques.

With experience in a digital agency, local Government and a software company, Michele is now working in an innovation unit at the University of Cambridge.

Twitter: @micheleidesmith